Existing Misconceptions About Sex Surrogates

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There is a professional difference between sex surrogates and what we call prostitutes or strippers. However when we begin to explain it by word of mouth or through writing, the difference only appears to be a thin line. Everyone knows the professional details of a prostitute. The sex surrogates on the other hand cure sex related issues in individuals and their therapies may or may not involve sexual intercourse.

This is the reason that over time certain misconceptions have evolved in relation to Sexual Surrogates.

Sexual surrogate

Sex surrogates, sometimes referred to as surrogate partners, are practitioners trained in addressing issues of intimacy and sexuality. A surrogate partner

. In this article we are going to discuss these different misconceptions.

• One of the common misconceptions which are being circulated is that the whole concept of sexual surrogacy is illegal, unethical and in fact evil. It is easy to imagine why people would think as such. This is a country where almost half of the population has conservative values and do not like discussing private matters with any one such as sex. Of course then there is the other half which have no issues discussing about their sex life. In fact, they believe that if they don’t talk or find solutions to such problems then they cannot function comfortably as a complete person. Psychologists and psychotherapists therefore believe that the need of sex surrogates is very much there.

• Another misunderstanding about sex surrogates is that they are nothing but legalized prostitutes. However, as briefly written before the job of the prostitutes is entirely different than that of the surrogates. Whereas the prostitutes only help the individuals release extra sexual energy in them and the motive is to receive instant satisfaction, the goals of the sex surrogates is entirely different. The surrogate does sexual healing which most of the time does not involve having sex with the client. The aim of the sex surrogates is to deal with problems not enjoying having sex with the clients. The therapy mostly deals with improving communication skills and understanding one’s sexuality. If actual sex is needed or not, this is decided by the therapist not the surrogate or the client.

• A third misconception is that the sex surrogates treat only abnormal and miserable people and that this kind of therapy is not needed with normal individuals. Where it is true that people who are healthy as in their sex life do not require sex surrogacy, but those who do require are certainly not abnormal. It is due to some sexual dysfunction, that is, it could be medical or it could be psychological; which means that the clients due to their past life suffer from some fear of intimacy. The sex surrogates in this respect help the clients come out of these restraints.

In conclusion we have seen that people still widely mistake the profession of sexual surrogacy with other things. However this is not the case and people still need to be educated about the subject. For now it is satisfactory that those who require this therapy are getting it in the form of sex surrogates.

The Celestial Bed

techniques developed after Masters and Johnson, who created the term “sex surrogates“. It was first published in 1987 by Delacorte Press. The title refers
Private Practices: The Story of a Sex Surrogate

Guthmann, Edward (1986-06-08). “Filmmaker Takes Sensitive Look at Sex Surrogates“. San Francisco Chronicle.  Goodman, Walter (1986-09-26). “Screen: