The Professional Triangle of Client, Sex Therapists and Sex Surrogates?

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How sex surrogates work with clients is not simple. Sexual satisfaction is not the only thing aimed at in the therapies which sex surrogates use. These surrogates have received proper training which enables them to deal with the psychological issues.

The sex surrogates usually do not work alone. They work in conjunction to the sex therapists. So this creates a professional triangle of the sex therapist, surrogate and the client. The success of the therapy depends on how best each of them relates to each other. While it may seem as such, the client does not decide what the sex therapy is going to entail. It is mostly the sex therapist who decides on what procedures to take.

The client is of course a big part of this triangle because he pays for the therapy and it is the client who will have to reveal personal information about himself and is also prepared to undergo physical and psychological examination; still the client is not the one running the show.

The sex surrogates are also not the one who control the therapies. They are just assigned by the sex therapists to the client where the act of physical intimacy is required. The term ‘surrogate’ refers to someone who is replacing another person for the time being like surrogate mothers. Therefore at times when the sex therapist feels, the sex surrogate is required to act as a partner to the client.

Sex surrogates are not the only assisting personnel which are required by the sex therapists to deal with the client. Sex therapists also work in collaboration with urologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and sexologists.

Though normally it happens that when the client approaches a psychologist with his problems, he is referred to a sex therapist who sometimes calls a sex surrogate for assistance; the sex surrogate too can approach the patient. Whoever approaches first the main fact is that the activities are guided by the presence or orders of the sex therapist. The sex therapist is only absent when the sex surrogate is highly trained and qualified. But if the surrogate is not that qualified and there is no therapist, then the client should beware of being conned and taken advantage of.

So the sex surrogates function as the middle man between the therapist and the client. The surrogates act upon the instructions provided by the therapists and carry out physical and emotional teaching methods to achieve the goals as prescribed by the them. And after every session with the client, the surrogate reports back to the therapist about the progress with the client. Based on this information, the therapist further decides how the client should be dealt with.

So in conclusion the triangle of sex surrogates, sex therapists and clients function as a coordinated effort by all members of this triangle. In order to achieve best results, it has to work this way; with the therapist communicating what end he desires out of the therapy.

Sexological testing

affectivity, sexual gender and role, sexual fantasies, body image and sexual satisfaction), a dimension about psychopathological symptoms (anxiety, depression
Sex therapy

addition to reducing or eliminating sexual problems and increasing sexual satisfaction for individuals of all stages of life. Health therapists, educators